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Oct 20, 2022
What are Hurst Cycles?

In the 1960's an aeronautical engineer called JM Hurst used mainframe computers to analyze the price movements of financial markets. He discovered that they were influenced by cycles – a specific collection of cycles, with dynamic wavelengths and amplitudes – which combined in a particular way to produce the price movements we see on our charts.

Why are they useful?

A full analysis of the price movement of a financial instrument (called a phasing analysis) provides powerful insight into that price movement, and – because of the repetitive nature of cycles – allows us to anticipate when and where price movements are likely to reach, and when and where they are likely to turn.

Hurst Cycles Notes

The purpose of Hurst Cycle Notes is to bring that insight to you. You do not need to be an expert in Hurst Cycles or understand the complexities of a phasing analysis in order to apply this insight to your own investment and trading. Our notes provide the insight in clear, straight-forward and to-the-point notes which are delivered directly to your inbox.

Free articles and subscriptions

We publish general interest articles about Hurst Cycles, and long-term analyses of many markets free of charge. Our flagship subscription service is the Macro Outlook, a weekly newsletter that covers nine core markets, and which includes "intra-week" updates when there is something to add to the weekly note.

Hurst Cycle notes offer a tactical roadmap for nine core macro drivers. The time horizon is generally between 5 and 20 days. Long term reference analyses are also provided as and when in side notes - CG
Clear and actionable

All of our notes include a succinct text commentary and clear charts for each instrument presenting the implications of the analysis. Our weekly newsletters are headed with an at-a-glance table of the current situation for each instrument, with simple graphics to convey the current and subsequent cycle moves – color-coded for easy understanding –  with expected turn dates and cycle strength.

The header table on a weekly newsletter
What next?

We have made it easy to get started with a series of guidance notes, which explain the chart notation used (Hurst's diamond notation, and the circles-and-whiskers), and the application of the cycle tools he defined (the VTL and FLD).

We recommend you browse recent samples of our weekly newsletters and intra-week updates, and read more about the analysts behind Hurst Cycle Notes.

Welcome to the fascinating and insightful world of Hurst Cycles!

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David Hickson

David is a writer, filmmaker and entrepreneur who has been trading financial markets for 30 years. He is the creator of Sentient Trader, the premier Hurst analysis software for professional traders.